Getting Started

You can install the PlayCrypt library from Github using pip:

pip3 install --user git+

If you prefer, you can install it in a python virtual environment:

python3 -m venv playcrypt-venv # create the venv
. playcrypt-venv/bin/activate
pip install git+

In this case whenever you work on an a playcrypt assignment you’ll first need to activate your venv with . playcrypt-venv/bin/activate (note the dot).

Either way, you can test whether you’ve installed PlayCrypt correctly by opening a python console and typing import playcrypt. If you get a ModuleNotFoundError, it’s not installed (or you forgot to activate your venv). Also double-check that you’re using Python 3 instead of Python 2. (The first line )

If you’re still having trouble installing playcrypt, please make a PUBLIC post on Piazza that includes what you tried, what error message you’re getting, your OS, and your Python version.

Once you’ve installed playcrypt, you should be able to download the assignment python files from the course website (once they’re released) and run them. For example:

user@laptop$ python
The advantage of your adversary A1 is approximately 0.0
The advantage of your adversary A3 is approximately 0.0

If using a venv, be sure to activate it first:

user@laptop$ . playcrypt-venv/bin/activate
(playcrypt-venv) user@laptop$ python
The advantage of your adversary A1 is approximately 0.0
The advantage of your adversary A3 is approximately 0.0